Exam registration and withdrawal

Registration for ordinary exams

You will automatically be registered for the ordinary examinations in all courses that you are signed up for. It is your own responsibility to make sure that your exam registration is correct, so please make sure to check your registration in the Student Self-service system at mit.au.dk that you have been registered for the right exams before the deadline for registration expires.

In your Academic regulations you can see which courses/exams you should be registered for.  

If there are errors in your registration, please send an email to your educational administrator.

The examination dates will be available in your exam schedule. 

The grades are announced no later than 4 weeks after the examination date.

Registration for reexamination

If you do not pass your first examination attempt (the ordinary examination), you are personally responsible for registering for the reexamination. You register for your reexamination in the Student Self-Service system (STADS). 

A prerequisite for registering for a reexamination (in February or August) is that you have been registered as having used an examination attempt at the ordinary exam in the same exam period. You will automatically use an examination attempt if you do not submit the exam paper or assignment. 

If you have attended the ordinary exam at midterm, the following reexamination period is likewise placed in February/August.

You can only register for the reexamination when you your exam result appears in the STADS self-service system or on the Study Timeline – even if you did not attend the exam. If you register before you have received your exam result, the registration will be rejected.    

The reexamination dates will be available in your reexam schedule in the period after the registration deadline. 

Please be aware of the specific rules regarding the first year exam.

Reexamination in the same semester

If you fail, if you have been ill or if you are absent from the ordinary exam, you can register for the reexamination which takes place immediately after the ordinary exam.

Example: You do not pass the ordinary exam, which takes place in June. You can then register for reexamination, which will be held during the same examination period, i.e. in August.

If you deregister from an ordinary examination, you are not able to attend the reexamination in the same period. You will have the possibility to attend an examination again in the next ordinary exam period. Be aware that most exams only takes place once a year and you may be delayed in your degree programme if you postpone your exam.

You register for your reexamination in the Student Self-Service system (STADS).  

Deadline for signing up for reexamination immediately after the ordinary exam:

Semester Reexamination period Registration deadline
Autumn February

6 February 

Spring August 7 July

You can only register for reexamination in this period, if you have used (registered) an examination attempt at the ordinary exam in the same semester.

You can only register for the reexamination when you your exam result appears in the STADS self-service system or on the Study Timeline – even if you did not attend the exam. If you register before you have received your exam result, the registration will be rejected.    

NB: You cannot deregister for a reexamination after the registration deadline for reexaminations has passed. This means that you cannot deregister for a reexamination 14 days before the date of the exam.

How to register for the reexamination immediately following the ordinary exam

  • Log in to mystudies.au.dk 
  • Go to 'Self-service systems'
  • Click on 'STADS'
  • Go to 'Examination'
  • Choose 'Register' and complete the registration form

Reexamination in a later semester

If you do not pass the first reexamination, you will have the opportunity to register for a new examination in a later semester.

The same applies if you do not have the opportunity to take the reexamination, which takes place immediately after the ordinary exam. You must be aware that it may cause a delay in your study programme, if you choose to postpone the reexamination.  

Example: You do not pass the ordinary exam, which is held in June. You refrain from using the second examination attempt at the reexamination in August or you do not pass your second examination attempt at the reexamination in August. You can then register for reexamination next time an ordinary exam is offered for that particular course. Please note that some courses/exams are offered each semester and other courses/exams are only offered once a year.  

Deadlines for registering for reexamination in the ordinary examination period, in a later semester:

Semester Exam period Registration deadline
Autumn Midterm 27 May
Autumn December/January 22 September
Spring Midterm 19 Februar
Spring May/June 21 March

After these dates late exam registration will only be granted by the Board of Studies under special circumstances.   

How to register for reexamination in a later semester

Please note that you are not able to register for your reexamination in the ordinary exam period, in a later semester, in the Student Self-service system (STADS). Instead, please register by writing an email to BSS Studies: 

Bachelor students send an email to:  bachelor.bss@au.dk

Master students send an email to: kandidat.bss@au.dk    

Exemptions for reexaminations

If you need to apply for an exemption in connection with the reexaminations (eg. extended time at the exam, special circumstances, a fourth exam attempt), please make sure to send in your application by no later than the deadline for registration for reexaminations. 

Due to the summer holidays there will only be staff for emergency preparedness in July. Only applications pertaining to reexams will be handled, if it was not possible to send them in before the deadline, due to special circumstances.  

Please make sure to check you E-box regularly, as the board of study’s decision may be sent to you until the day before the reexam.

Remember, if you have received an exemption for extended time at the ordinary exams, it will also be stated here, if this also applies to the rexams. We therefore recommend that you read the decision carefully and follow the instructions given here.

How to apply for an exemption

Deregistration of exams

Ordinary exam

If you are registered for a course, you are automatically registered for the ordinary exam as well. You can deregister an ordinary exam until 14 days before the date of the exam.


You cannot deregister for a reexamination after the registration deadline for reexamination has passed. This means that you cannot deregister for a reexamination 14 days before the date of the exam, as you can for the ordinary exams.

Before you deregister an exam please pay attention to the rules regarding maximum duration of studies and the demand for study progress. 

Please be aware of the specific rules regarding the first year exam.

Examination attempts in discontinued courses

You are offered three consecutive examination attempts on all courses. If a course is discontinued, you will be offered: 

  • The first examination attempt at the ordinary exam
  • The second examination attempt at the following reexamination
  • The third examination attempt at the next available ordinary exam in the specific course

Example: You are registered for and follow the course Data Warehousing, which is offered during the autumn 2018 semester. The first examination attempt is therefore in December/January 2019. The second examination attempt is at the reexamination in February 2019. It is decided that the course is to be discontinued. This means that the course will not be offered in the following autumn semester. For this reason, the third and final examination attempt will be at the ordinary exam in December/January 2020.

If you fail to register for your third examination attempt on a (discontinued) subject/course within the deadline, please be aware that you risk being unable to complete your degree programme unless you are granted a dispensation.


Please note that if special circumstances apply (eg. extended time at the exam, special circumstances, a fourth exam attempt) and you wish to apply for an exemption, your application, including the relevant documentation, must be submitted to and received by the board of studies no later than six weeks before the exam date, to ensure you receive a reply before the exam. 

Please be aware that you must renew your application for an exemption each semester.

Read more about exemptions. 


If you have any questions regarding your exam registration, please contact: