Grades and assessment

Exam results and grades

All your examination results will be announced in the student self-service system STADS.

Grading scale

All exams will be assessed by grades or pass/fail

  • 12 - For an excellent performance displaying a high level of command of all aspects of the relevant material, with no or only a few minor weaknesses.
  • 10 - For a very good performance displaying a high level of command of most aspects of the relevant material, with only minor weaknesses.
  • 7 - For a good performance displaying good command of the relevant material but also some weaknesses.
  • 4 - For a fair performance displaying some command of the relevant material but also some major weaknesses.
  • 02 - For a performance meeting only the minimum requirements for acceptance.
  • 00 - For a performance which does not meet the minimum requirements for acceptance.
  • -3 - For a performance which is uacceptable in all aspects.

Deadline for registration of grades

Deadlines for notification of assessment

At oral exams, you will receive your grade immediately after the exam.

As for written exams the deadline for assessment is at latest 4 weeks after the exam, cf. the examination order. However, the deadline for assessment of a master’s thesis is no later than 6 weeks after the submission of the thesis. The month of July is not included in the calculation of the assessment deadlines.

The university may, in some cases, extend the assessment deadline. The students affected will be notified directly about a new deadline.

It is not possible to receive a pre-approval of the master thesis.

Average mark calculation

Your overall average mark is calculated as a so-called weighted average. The weighted average is the overall average of all your grades relative to the ECTS weighting of the courses you have completed.

To calculate the weighted average for your programme or parts of your programme, you begin by multiplying all the grades you have earned in the period for which you want to calculate the average with the number of ECTS points that each course is equivalent to. Then you add up the results and divide that number with the number of ECTS points that the given period is equivalent to.

Example of a weighted average mark calculation:

Course 1


Mark  10

Weight 150

Course 2


Mark  02

Weight 30

Course 3


Mark    4

Weight 80

Course 4


Mark    7

Weight 70

  • Total of weights: 150+30+80+70 = 330

  • ECTS credits for the chosen period: 15+15+20+10 = 60

  • Weighted average mark: 330/60 = 5,5

Abbreviations in STADS

In the following, you will find an explanation of the abbreviations, that are used in the studies administration self-service facility (STADS) and examples of when the abbreviations are being used. 

means absent.
Examples: The student fails to show up for the oral or written exam or the student fails to submit an exam paper through Wiseflow. 

FE means left exam.
Examples: The student draws a question, but does not want to be examined.
The student uploades a “blank paper” in Wiseflow during an exam. 

BF means used attempt.
Examples: The exam paper does not meet the requirement of individualization or other requirements cf. the academic regulations of the study programme.
The student does not meet the prerequisite requirements for attending an exam.

I means not passed.
Examples: The student fails to turn up at all. The student does not participate to the required extend.

DF means failed prerequisite.
Example: Prerequisite requirements to attending the exam/re-exam are not met.


From 2007 onwards rankings of given grades for respectively bachelor projects, master theses and degree programmes in total, have been made for Aarhus BSS and for Aarhus University.

You can find all rankings at Karakterstatistik ved Aarhus BSS og AU (in Danish)

Ministerial Order on Grading

Read more about assesment and grading in: