Supporting your student life.
Are you going to a reexamination? Remember to register for reexamination no later than 6 February 2025.
Are you almost finished with your degree programme and would you like some help finding a job in Denmark?
Are you in the first year of your studies and would you like to be mentored by an older student with knowledge and experience? Then you have the…
The many inputs are now gathered in a consultation response and has been send to rector. Read more here.
Volunteer student ambassador Linus Holm Foged helps international students find their bearings in Aarhus. Through the ‘Dare to Danish’ programme, he…
And would you like to develop a business idea with students from all over Europe? Then sign up for the Circle U.-programme ‘Entrepreneurial…
Then take a look at what the BSS Datalab offers within this field and explore our courses within several disciplines.
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