
On these pages you will find information about exams, including exam schedules, illness at exams and how to register for reexamination. 

As a student at Aarhus University you are obligated to keep yourself informed about rules governing exams. Please read the AU rules governing exams. 

You can find your personal exam results via mystudies.au.dk where you go to 'STADS'.   

The most frequently asked questions about exam

I have lost my student ID card and I will soon be taking an exam. What do I do? 

You should always bring your student ID for all exams. 

Go to this webpage, if you have not received your student ID or you have lost it

In case you do not have a student ID, please bring photo ID (passport or driver's license). 

Also, make sure to memorize your student registration number (eg. 2018XXXXX). You need to inform the invigilator, so they can find you on the exam lists. 

Where does my exam take place? 

If there are multiple rooms listed next to your exam in the exam schedule, you can find an overview of the rooms (PDF) for the relevant course in WISEflow approx. 2-4 days before your exam date.  

With the AU Find app you can find your way around AU. 

When do I have access to my exam flow in WISEflow? 

Approximately 1 week prior the exam you will have access to the exam flow in WISEflow. 

I'm ill on the day of my examination. What do I do?

If you’re ill on the day of the examination, you can report sick for the exam. Here, you can find out what to do if you fall ill in connection with an exam at Aarhus BSS

You can only register for the reexamination when you your exam result appears in the STADS self-service system or on the Study Timeline – even if you did not attend the exam. If you register before you have received your exam result, the registration will be rejected by the self-service system. 

How do I submit a blank exam? 

If you are registered for an on-site exam and decide in advance not to take it, you should either deregister the exam within the time limit or refrain from appearing at the exam. Absence from an exam will be registered as a used exam attempt and will give you access to registering for the reexamination. 

If during an on-site exam or a take-home assignment, you decide not to submit your assignment, you must click “Submit blank” in Wiseflow without uploading anything. 

You can only register for the reexamination when you your exam result appears in the STADS self-service system or on the Study Timeline – even if you did not attend the exam. If you register before you have received your exam result, the registration will be rejected by the self-service system. 

It will not be stated in your final diploma that you have submitted a blank exam or how many examination attempts you have used to pass a course. 

My computer has shut down in the middle of uploading and handing in my exam assignment. What do I do? 

If you experience problems with uploading and handing in your exam paper in WISEflow in connection with a take-home assignment, you should send your paper to the following email: bss.exam@au.dk. Please note that the deadline for submission and the requirements to file format and size also apply to exam papers that are sent to this email. Your exam paper MUST be handed in as one PDF file, but additional material/appendices may be handed in in other file formats. See also the description of format/size in the FAQ below. 

If you have sent your exam paper to the email BSS.exam@au.dk, you must apply for an exemption to have your paper forwarded for assessment. This is done via mystudies.au.dk below > "Applications”. You need to apply as soon as possible after your exam. 

Even if you have sent your exam paper to the email within the exam deadline, it is not sure that your application for exemption will be met. An application will, for example, not be met if your exam file is defective and therefore cannot be uploaded to WISEflow. 

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Learn how to use generative artificial intelligence (GAI) in your studies at Aarhus University: