We are closed on all public holidays (incl. 5 June), during Easter and week 29, and from 23 December - 1 January (both days included).
Log in to mystudies.au.dk to gain access to the Student Self-Service (STADS) where you can:
Contact | Phone | ||
Course and exam registration (bachelor) | Gitte L. Nielsen | bachelor.bss@au.dk | 93521639 |
Course and exam registration (Master) | Tina Aronro | kandidat.bss@au.dk | 93522335 |
Exemptions | Linda Esmann Andersen | lea@au.dk | 93522340 |
Credit transfer and preliminary approval | Linda Esmann Andersen | lea@au.dk | 93522340 |
Board of studies support | Hanne Falsig | haf@au.dk | 93521640 |
Examination complaints | Tina Lindhardt | tln@au.dk | 93522338 |
Student counselling | Student counsellors | counsellor.mercit.bss@au.dk | 93522695 |
Student welfare counselling | Lene Birkegaard Pedersen | lbp@au.dk | 93508299 |
Student welfare counselling | Niki Rasmussen | nira@au.dk | 23382427 |