Registration for master's courses

Registration period for electives

Courses in the spring semester: Register 1-5 November
Courses in the autumn semester: Register 1-5 May 

Step-by-step guide to registration

  1. Please find the elective courses offered on your degree programme in the AU course catalogue . You can limit your search by selecting “degree programme” and “period”.
  2. Please select which courses you wish to register for. Your registration is binding. This means that you will not be able to cancel or change your registration for elective courses once the deadline for registration has expired, unless you apply for and are granted a dispensation from the board of studies.
  3. Please log on to – find a direct link to the student self-service system (STADS) – register for courses.  Go to -> ‘Courses’ -> ‘Register’. Here you will find a registration form with a list of your course options.
  4. You should only register for the number of courses you wish to take. If you are registered for Summer University courses, credit modules at another educational institution or an exchange programme, you should only register for the number of courses you will attend at your own degree programme in the next semester.
  5. Please select “1” for each course you wish to register for.
  6. The allocation of elective courses is final by 22 May 2024. Check your registrations in the student self-service system STADS under ‘Classes - show registrations and cancellations’. There may be changes in the allocation of elective courses right up to 22 May 2024. For example, if you Initially, registered for three elective courses, and you can now only see two elective courses in the registration list, you were not allocated a place on all desired elective courses in the first period of registration. You can register for a third elective course in the second registration period.
  7. The second registration period takes place from 23 - 26 May. Here you will be able to register for courses with vacant places. When the allocation of courses is final you must check that your course registrations in the student self-service system (STADS) are correct. 

Specific requirements in your course registration

Compulsory course for students in the English language programme (programme discontinued)

You are automatically registered for the compulsory course 'Advanced Political Analysis: Designing and Conducting Political Analysis' on your first semester.  

Due to your academic regulations:

  • You must pass at least one take-home assignment (approx. 42,000 characters incl. blanks) and are therefore required to choose seminars accordingly.
  • Students in the English language programme are allowed to earn a maximum of 30 ECTS-credits in courses where the language of instruction is Danish.
  • Electives comprise 70 ECTS. Students must chose a minimum of 40 ECTS political science seminars as well as 30 ECTS seminars, which may be either political science or social science seminars.

Registration for exchange or project-based internship

If you plan on going on exchange or taking a project-based internship, you shouldn't register for regular seminars in the coming semester.

Project-based internships and perhaps an individual political science seminar must be chosen on the student self-service. If you are going on exchange or plan on taking a credit module in another programme or university, you don't have to do anything in the registration period.

In case your plans to study abroad or take a project-based internship fall through, you may register for seminars after the deadline - for further help please contact

Check for overlap in teaching and exams

Before you register for any courses, please check whether the classes or exam dates for the courses in question overlap. It is your responsibility to ensure that there are no overlapping activities. For this reason, before you register for any courses, please check for:

  • Overlapping classes in – you will be able to check this from 24 April
  • Overlapping exams in the exam schedule – you will be able to check this from 24 April

If you have to attend a compulsory course along with your elective course, you also have to remember to check for any overlaps between the compulsory course and the elective course.

Please be aware that your registration is binding.

Course clusters

After the deadline for registration, changes may occur in the schedules, which may cause classes and/or exam overlap. You can prevent overlapping activities by looking at the “course clusters for autumn 2024”. (Available from April 15)

Courses in the same course cluster do not have any overlapping classes or exams. You are free to select courses from different clusters, but if you do this, you need to be highly aware that classes or exams might overlap.    

Allocation of places

If the number of registrations for a course exceeds the number of available places on that course, the places will be allocated by drawing lots. 

If you are not granted a place on one or more of your desired courses, you must register anew in the second registration period.

If you initially registered for three courses but are now only able to see two courses in your overview of registrations, you were not allocated a place on all your desired courses in the first round of registration. This means that you will be able to register for a third course in the second registration period.

Course registration after the normal deadline/if you did not get a place after the second registration period

If you did not receive the number of courses you wished to register for or if you forgot to register for courses in the autumn 2024, you can register for courses in the Student Self-service system (STADS) via in the period 14 to 18 August 2024.

The allocation of places will take place on a first-come, first-served basis, and it will be possible to register for a course as long as there are vacant places on the course. Once a course has been filled, it will no longer be possible to register for the course in question.

The list of available courses can be updated on a regular basis.

It is important that you check up on course clusters, time and exam overlap before you register.

Cancelling elective courses

All students who have been registered for their selected courses are bound by their choice. This means that you will not be able to cancel or change your registration for elective courses once the deadline for registration has expired, and the elective course is a binding part of your study programme.  

If you are registered for a course, you can only withdraw from this registration if instead, the semester in question are to be used for: 

  • Project-based internship
  • Exchange
  • Admission as a visiting student at other study programmes/educational institutions
  • Participation in project seminars according to the rules set out in the academic regulations. The project seminar must be approved in advance.

Dispensation to cancel registration 

If none of the above reasons for cancellation apply to you, you can apply for a dispensation to withdraw from or change elective courses, but only if exceptional circumstances exist and are deemed to impact your ability to complete the course. You apply for dispensation via

New students in the Political Science programme

If you have a Bachelor’s degree from another university or if you took a break between your Bachelor's and Master’s degree programme, or you have applied to change your study programme, you must register for courses at the first semester in the Student Self-service system via in the period 14 to 18 August 2024.

The allocation of places will take place on a first-come, first-served basis, and it will be possible to register for a course as long as there are vacant places on the course. Once a course has been filled, it will no longer be possible to register for the course in question.

The list of available courses can be updated on a regular basis.

It is important that you check up on course clusters, time and exam overlap before you register.

You can read more about the master's seminars in the course catalogue, and if you have any questions, please contact the studies administration at:


  • If you experience problems registering for courses in STADS or if you discover errors in your registration, please write to 
  • Do you need guidance in planning your courses/degree programme, please contact the student counsellors.