Computational methods (1p)

Computational methods (1p)

The course will give an introduction to mathematical, statistical and numerical methods for use in physics and astronomy, including practical applications (i.e. computer implementation). Among the subjects treated are:
    - ordinary differential equations
    - partial differential equations
    - integration methods
    - random numbers and Monte Carlo methods
    - least squares method and maximum likelihood
    - hypothesis test
    - robust statistical methods

The examples given will include realistic physics problems, both from theory and experiment/observation (data analysis).

Steven Koonin and D.C. Meredith "Computational Physics"; R.J. Barlow "Statistics, A Guide to the Use of Statistical Methods in the Physical Sciences"

Kursets form og omfang
4 timers forelæsning og øvelser om ugen i F01

Karlheinz Langanke og Karsten Riisager