Scattering theory and its application to problems in modern atomic physics

Scattering theory and its application to problems in modern atomic physics (1p)

This course will provide the necessary tools for a description and an understanding of a wide variety of dynamical processes involving electronic, atomic, and photonic collisions. First, the basic theory of non-relativistic scattering will be reviewed. Second, the formalism will be applied to illustrative examples developing the theory further. Specifically, the course will include:
  • General scattering theory, including partial wave expansion, Green function method, Lippman-Schwinger equation, Born approximation, Coulomb potential, distorted wave theory, T- and S-matrix

  • Density matrix formulation and coupled and uncoupled representations as illustrated by scattering by a spin-orbit potential

  • Inelastic scattering, including excitation, ionization, the Bethe approximation, thresholds effects and exchange effects

  • Cold collisions, including matter-antimatter collisions and ultra cold collisions in Bose condensates

  • Scattering in strong laser fields, including laser-assisted electron-atom scattering, rescattering models of the plateau regions in high-harmonic generation and above-threshold-ionization

Text books, notes and research papers.

Kursets form og omfang
3 hours per week in E00. Exercises will be an integrated part.

Lars Bojer Madsen