Singular Homology and Cohomology

Singular Homology and Cohomology

3-4 hours per week.

Lecturer: Marcel Bökstedt

Singular homology and cohomology is an algebraic and combinatorial method of constructing invariants for topological spaces. This is in contrast with the deRham cohomology treated in Topologi 1 where one uses differential geometry to obtain closely related topological invariants. The singular version of homology is basic in most parts of algebraic topology. A main theme in the course is the interplay between the algebraic constructions of 'homological algebra' and the geometric implementations.


The fundamental group. Covering spaces. Singular homology. The axioms of homology theory and their verification for singular homology. Cohomology. The Universal Coefficient Theorems. Products. Duality Theorems.

Prerequisites: A basic knowledge of point set topology and of algebra should be enough.

Literature: Alan Hatcher, Algebraic Topology, Cambridge University Press. The book is supposed to appear in the spring 2001. It is (and will continue to be) available from the net, on hatcher/#ATI