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Molecular Biotechnology/Molekylær bioteknologi


Homepage of the course








The aim of the course is to familiarize the students with state-of-the-art biotechnology at the molecular level, and the use of biotechnology in bio-medico research and development. It is also the aim of the course to introduce the students to project and experiment planning and analysis through theoretical exercises.



The course is organised in two parts. Part one: A number of published "case-projects" within the fields of Genomics, Proteomics, Bioinformatics, Nucleic Acid Related Biotech, Protein Related Biotech, and Stem Cell & Tissue Related Biotech will be presented in a series of lectures and the underlying technologies considered in a series of student seminars. The student seminars shall require a high degree of active participation of the students. Part two: In the second part of the course the student are to plan and conduct a "virtual" biotech project from a given theme. The course is finished by the submission of a project-thesis.



3rd and 4th quarters



Advanced Biochemistry, Techniques in Molecular Biology, Advanced Molecular Biology and Molecular Cell Biology


Type of classes

19 lectures

26x3 theoretical exercises


Type of evaluation and aids

Project-thesis evaluated according to 13-point system with external examiner


Educational materials

Textbook: Textbooks, handouts, and laboratory manuals from the pre-required courses


Supplementary material

Published papers and material available on the internet


Responsible teacher

Name: Michael Etzerodt

Office address: Science Park Aarhus, bld. 1 room 2.21, Department of Molecular Biology, Science Park Division

Phone no: +45 8942 5070



Other teachers

Finn Skou Pedersen, Jørgen Kjems, Jan J. Enghild and others


Max participants

No limit



Material: English

Spoken language: Danish/English