What you need to know when studying at Arts

The main focus of your everyday life as a student will of course be your degree programme. But please remember that there are a number of other issues connected to your studies which you need to have under control, and for which you need to take responsibility.

As a student at the Faculty of Arts you are responsible for

  • Keeping up to date on the study portal (www.studerende.au.dk/arts). This is where general information for students will be posted (e.g. information about exam periods).
  • Keeping up to date on Brightspace where you will find information about your classes.
  • Using mitstudie.au.dk to register for classes and check your registration for exams and applications for dispensation. You are responsible for ensuring that you are registered correctly for classes and exams and for observing all deadlines in this regard.
  • Checking your AU email. The university sends important information to you via your AU email.
  • Keeping an eye on your E-boks. Important documents, such as responses to applications for dispensations, will be sent to your E-boks.
  • Understanding the academic regulations for your degree programme and the courses explained there, and checking for any changes that might be made during your programme. For example the academic regulations outline the rules governing the assessment of your exams.
  • Familiarise yourself with rules and information – if you are in any doubt, please ask Study Centre Arts or your student counsellor.
  • Observing deadlines – for instance, exam assignments will not be assessed if you submit them after the deadline, and this will count as a failed attempt to pass the exam in question.
  • Providing your student registration number as well as other necessary and relevant information when dealing with the AU Studies Administration.

In return, the AU Studies Administration will

  • Collect relevant and current information on the study portal.
  • Offer information and guidance about your studies and study planning.
  • Keep you informed about issues concerning your degree programme, either via the study portal or by sending mails to your AU email.
  • Ensure that your exam results are available in the self-service system no later than four weeks after your exam deadline. Please note that the results of Bachelor’s projects and Master’s theses may take up to six weeks.
  • Ensure that you receive your diploma no later than two months after you have completed your degree programme (If you use E-boks you will recieve your diploma in your E-boks).
  • Ensure that you can find information about where and when your classes take place no later than one month before the semester starts.

Purpose of and rules for welcoming new students to the Faculty of Arts, Aarhus University

The Faculty of Arts wants to create a joint framework to support quality, a shared practice, and harmonisation in the work involved in welcoming new students and supporting their academic education. Below you will find the purpose of and rules for welcoming new studens to the Faculty of Arts, Aarhus University:


If you have any questions to the informations on this page, please contact the Study Centre Arts.