Exam schedules

Here you will find the date, time and place for your exams.

Here you will find the date, time and place for your exams.

We know how important it is for you to be able to plan your exam period. However, there may be unexpected events or special circumstances that may cause us to make changes to the exam schedule. We therefore recommend that you check the exam schedule for updates regularly.

Reexamination schedules, August 2025

  • The preliminary reexamination schedule is ready on 16 June 2025 at 16:00.
  • The final reexamination schedule is ready on 15 July 2025 at 16:00.

Are there multiple rooms listed for your written exam?

If there are multiple rooms listed for your written exam, you can find your specific room on a list (PDF) within your specific course/exam in WISEflow 2-4 days before your exam date.

With the app AU Find and the AU Building map you can find your way around AU.

When do I have access to my exam flow in WISEflow?

Approximately 1 week prior the exam you will have access to the exam flow in WISEflow.

Oral exams

Information about time and place of your oral exam will be available in WISEflow no earlier than 13 days before the exam date. You automatically receive emails from WISEflow if you set up WISEflow to send you email notifications.

Swapping time of examination for oral exams

The study programmes have different guidelines for swapping time of examination for oral exams:

For Economics and Business Administration (BSc and MSc) and compulsory courses at TBBD (MSc in Engineering):

When a detailed examination plan has been published, it is considered final, and the you can neither swap times nor have another examination time assigned.

For GMM and electives (not subject courses) at TBBD (MSc in Engineering):

When the dates of the oral exams are announced, you can swap times with a fellow student:

  • If you agree with a fellow student that you will swap times, you must have it approved by your examiner (no later than 12:00 the day before the exam).
  • It is your own responsibility to make the agreement internally.
  • It is only possible to swap times if you have the same lecturer/supervisor/co-examiner.

For TBBD (MSc in Engineering): The new times will not be changed in WISEflow.
For GMM: Please contact the department secretary to request a change of time in WISEflow.

Meeting time for oral exams at Economics and Business Administration (BSc and MSc)

  • If you have been assigned an examination time before noon you are expected to be present at the examination room when the first examination of the day starts in the morning (time of the first examination appears from an announcement posted in Brightspace).
  • If you have have been assigned an examination time in the afternoon you are expected to be present at the examination room at 12 noon.
  • The assigned examination times are indicative in the sense that if you should not be present, the next student on the list will be called into the examination room. Accordingly, the you may be required to sit their examination at an earlier time than the time indicated in WISEflow.
  • If you are not present when called into the examination room, you will be considered absent and have used one examination attempt.


Aarhus BSS Student Services in Herning can help you if you are unsure of when and where to take your exam.