Your vote will help decide which students represent you on your local board of studies, academic council and PhD committee. The polls are now open,…
For full-time students on their Master's degree programme, as well as students at BDE/Business Development and GMM, who are registered for a…
Your response can help make a difference for yourself and your fellow students!
IT maintenance work will affect a number of AU’s IT systems and services and cause interruptions at different times during the weekend of 18 - 19…
Remember to apply for preapproval - and do so well in advance!
You can find the spring 2024 courses in the AU Course Catalogue.
Do you have ideas for how to make your degree programme even better? Stand for election to your local board of studies and academic council and make…
Stand for election at AU and make your voice heard!
On the first national Uniform at Work Day on 27 September, staff and students who are also Danish reservists or volunteers in the Home Guard,…
Apply for special conditions at the exams, winter 2023/24.
Circle U. is continuously developing new projects and opportunities for students at the alliance universities. This page is updated regularly and…
IT maintenance work will affect a number of AU’s IT systems and services and cause interruptions at different times during the weekend of 9 – 10…
Information on how to register. Please note, the deadline for registration is 5th July!
Due to an error in mystudies.au.dk, several members of administrative staff may have had unauthorised access to information about students. The error…
If you've been a bit too relaxed about your passwords, AU’s new information security campaign will help you protect yourself and your data – for your…
Microsoft has made changes to its Authenticator app in order to improve security. This means that, from 4 May 2023, you will have to enter a number in…
Prepare for your digital exam.
Circle U. is inviting Master’s degree students in the area of neuroscience or related fields, to apply for the summer school in "Sensory…
If you’ve been a bit too relaxed about your passwords, AU’s new information security campaign will help you protect yourself and your data – for your…
You can now find the autumn 2023 courses in the AU course catalogue.
IT maintenance work will affect AU’s IT systems and services and cause interruptions at different times during the weekend of 22-23 April 2023.
Remember to apply for preapproval - and do so in good time!
Consider an elective course at AU Summer University – Deadline 15/3 @ 12 noon.
Do you have an impairment? Remember to apply for special conditions at the exams!
Do not miss this unique opportunity to participate in Circle U.’s summer course at the University of Oslo with co-students from nine universities…
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