Master's thesis at the Faculty of Arts

Step-by-step guide to thesis writing

0. Registering for the Master's thesis

How and when should I register for the Master's thesis?

You will be registered for the Master’s thesis automatically on the last semester of your Master's degree programme.

If you are writing Master's thesis in a spring semester, the Master's thesis period begins on 1 February. If you are writing Master's thesis in a autumn semester, the Master's thesis period begins 1 September.

Registration for the Master’s thesis is compulsory and cannot be withdrawn. This applies even if you have not passed all prior elements of your degree programme.  

You will be registered, so that you can complete your degree programme within the stipulated time of study (22 months (+ 6 months for students with an extension)). 

Deadlines for submitting the Master’s thesis 

  • 1 June for students enrolled on a two-year Master’s degree programme starting in the summer
  • 2 January for students enrolled on a Master’s degree programme starting in the winter or with an extension

See the other deadlines in the thesis process here

1. Preparing for the thesis process well in advance

During the second semester of your Master’s degree programme, you should start defining the topic you are interested in writing about in your Master’s thesis.

You also need to start thinking about who you would like as your thesis supervisor, as most students at Arts need to apply for a supervisor by the end of the second semester. 

You can find the relevant deadlines for your thesis process here.

It is a good idea to start looking for material well in advance to ensure that you have it when you need it in the thesis process. At the AU libraries and the Royal Danish Library, you can get help when searching for information.

The Student Guidance and Information service also arranges courses and workshops which can help you to plan your thesis process.

2. Applying for a thesis supervisor

How do I find a supervisor?

The procedure for appointing supervisors varies from degree programme to degree programme.
Read more about the degree programme-specific procedures for applying for thesis supervisors

When should I submit my application - and when will I receive an answer?

In the overview of deadlines you can see when you (if you have applied on time) can expect an answer to your application for a thesis supervisor.

Please note: Thesis supervisors must be members of department staff (a professor, associate professor or assistant professor).

Special information for group theses

If you write Master's thesis together with one or more other students, you must complete the application for a supervisor together. Please note that you can only write together if you have the same submission deadline.

Application forms

3. Starting the process of thesis supervision

Once a supervisor has been assigned to you, you can start the supervision process.

It is a good idea to discuss your topic and working title with your thesis supervisor as soon as you have submitted your application for this supervisor.

Your supervisor is a key figure during the production of your thesis because he/she can assess whether your topic has been delimited sufficiently, and whether it can be produced within the timeframe and academic framework stated in the academic regulations.

Balancing your expectations

It is also a good idea to discuss the supervision process and agree on how, where and when you will meet and the kind of supervision that will be provided.

You and you supervisor should also discuss your expectations and wishes in more general and personal terms. It is important to balance your expectations because the supervision process often varies a great deal.

Remember to use your supervision plan

You and your supervisor need to draw up a supervision plan. This is a general plan for producing your thesis – including the topic area and the plan for the supervision process.

It is a good idea to start with this plan at your first meeting because it can help you to remember the points mentioned above.

The plan does not have to be finalised and submitted until the end of the third semester.

For inspiration on points to discuss, see 'Good advice for the first meeting with your supervisor'.

4. Making the supervision plan

  1. Arrange a meeting with your supervisor
    The supervision plan must be completed in collaboration with your supervisor. Discuss your problem statement and prepare a plan for the supervision process, which must be described in the supervision plan. Your problem statement is preliminary and may be adjusted during the thesis process.  
  2. Complete and submit the supervision plan
    You complete and submit the supervision plan via this online form:
    Form for submitting the supervision plan

    You can either complete it with your supervisor during your supervision meeting, or you can agree on what should be in the plan by email, and you can then fill out the online form afterwards. In the supervision plan, you must, among other things, state your preliminary problem statement as well as the date and subject of at least two supervision agreements.
    You can see an overview of the content of the supervision plan here.

    Receipt of submitted supervision plan: You will receive a submission confirmation and a copy of your supervision plan at your email address. However, because your supervision plan is processed manually, it may take a few days before you receive the email. If you need a copy immediately, you have the option to save a PDF copy yourself once you have completed the supervision plan. Your supervisor will also receive a copy of the supervision plan.

  3. Approval of your supervision plan
    Your supervision plan must be approved by the administrative officer/thesis coordinator. The administration will collect the approval and you will be notified when your supervision plan has been approved.
  4. Submission of the thesis 
    Your Master's thesis can only be assessed if you have submitted a supervision plan. If you fail to submit the supervision plan by the deadline, you must submit it as soon as possible and no later than when you submit your thesis.

NOTE: Previously it has  been required that the supervision plan was attached as an appendix when handing in the thesis. This is no longer necessary.  

Especially for group theses

If you are a group writing a thesis together, one of you must complete a joint supervision plan with all your information. Please note that you can only write together if you have the same submission deadline. 

5. The thesis process

During this period you work on your thesis.
You should keep in touch with your supervisor along the way.
See Inspiration for your thesis if you need additional support and supervision during the process.

Specifically for students of Journalism (cand.public.)
If you choose a thesis with a journalistic product (exam form 3), and if you want to produce something that is not a printed article, the design and scope must be discussed with the journalistic co-supervisor and is subject to the final approval of the academic supervisor.

6. Form for appointing an external co-examiner

In order for us to be able to find an external co-examiner for your thesis, it is important that you submit the form for appointing an external co-examiner 6 weeks before your submission deadline.

If we do not receive the form in time, we have a limited chance for finding an external co-examiner and ensuring that your thesis is assessed within the deadline.

When we have received the form, we will prepare your thesis for submission and make your thesis visible in WISEflow. You will be able to submit your thesis one week before your submission deadline.

  • Submission on your scheduled deadline
    You can find deadlines for the thesis process here.
  • Submission before your scheduled deadline
    If you plan to submit your thesis (significantly) earlier than your scheduled deadline, you must put your planned submission deadline in the form for appointing an external co-examiner and submit it 6 weeks before you plan to submit your thesis. Please note that on your 2nd or 3rd exam attempt, your earliest submission deadline can be the day on which your thesis period begins. This means that you cannot submit your thesis during the 14 days in which you must prepare and submit a revised supervision plan and topic formulation.
    You do not use an exam attempt before you have exceeded your official submission deadline.
  • If you do not wish to submit your thesis on the scheduled deadline
    If you do not wish to submit your thesis on the scheduled deadline, you should not submit the form for appointing an external co-examiner.
    Find more information here:
    If the thesis is not submitted on time



You will get a receipt when you have submitted the form for appointing an external co-examiner. If you have written your e-mail address correctly and still do not get a receipt, contact Study Centre Arts.

Special information for group theses

If you are a group writing your thesis together, only one of you must submit the form for appointing an external co-examiner and write the names, study numbers and AU e-mail addresses of the other students in the form. At the top of the form you must mark ”group thesis”. Only the student submitting the form will get a receipt. Please note that it is only possible to write your thesis together if you have the same submission deadline.

7. Submitting your thesis

Your thesis is to be submitted in WISEflow.
We recommend that you read the guide to WISEflow for students, and that you start uploading your thesis well before the deadline.
WISEflow: Submission procedure, guidelines and login.

The Master’s thesis must be submitted by the relevant deadline
Please note that your Master's thesis must be uploaded and submitted by 14.00 on the submission date.  

  • 1 June for students enrolled on a two-year Master’s degree programme starting in the summer
  • 2 January for students enrolled on a Master’s degree programme starting in the winter or with an extension.

See also: Information about deadlines in connection with the thesis

Please note: If the submission deadline falls on a Saturday, Sunday or public holiday, the deadline is automatically extended to the next working day.

The submitted thesis cannot be edited
You should also be aware that the submission of your thesis is final. This means that the submitted thesis is locked when you have submitted it, and that you cannot edit the thesis after having submitted it. 

Formal requirements for the master's thesis

Your Master's thesis will be rejected and you will use a exam attempt if your Master's thesis does not comply with the formalities and if you do not submit a supervision plan by the very latest when you submit your thesis. 

Submitting a product thesis

If your Master's thesis includes a physical product which cannot be submitted digitally, the physical product must be submitted to Study Centre Arts during opening hours. If you wish to submit outside opening hours, you must contact study Centre Arts, so that you can instead submit the physical product in the Arts Studies administration (Tåsingegade 3, building 1442). All other parts of your thesis must be submitted via WISEflow.

Submitting a group thesis

You will have to register in WISEflow is you are writing in a group. You can find instructions on how to do that here.

8. Assessment of your thesis

If you hand in your Master's thesis on June 3rd, you will receive your assessment no later than July 8th.

If you submit your Master's thesis between 15 June and 15 July, you will receive your assessment within six weeks due to the summer holiday.

If you hand in your Master's thesis at other times of the year, the assessment time is four weeks.

Theses with an oral defence
The oral defence will take place within the assessment period. The grade will be given after the defence.

Advance approval
The university does not support the possibility of applying for advance approval for unemployment insurance.

You are entitled to receive feedback on your thesis once it has been assessed. Please arrange when and how to do this with your supervisor. This feedback may be in writing, but it no longer constitutes part of the assessment. You cannot complain about the feedback – only about the grade given.

Thesis with oral defence
The defence takes place within the four week assessment period, which starts on the date where the thesis is submitted.
You will be given your grade after the oral defence.

If the thesis is not submitted on time

  1. You have used an attempt
    If you fail to submit your Master’s thesis by the specified deadline, you will then have used one of your attempts to pass the exam. You have three attempts in total.
  2. Your next attempt starts 14 days after your original submission deadline
    You will be registered automatically for your second attempt to pass the exam. Your new submission deadline is 14 days + three months after your original submission deadline. Immediately after your original submission deadline, you will receive an email with information about the start date and submission deadline for your new attempt.
  3. Submit the new supervision plan via the link below
    You must submit a new supervision plan within 14 days of the original submission deadline. It must contain a modified thesis statement, which, however, must be within the same subject area as the original thesis. It is a condition for your Master's thesis to be assessed that you send in the plan before submitting the thesis itself. 
  4. Submit the form to appoint an external co-examiner
    You must submit the form used to appoint an external co-examinator no later than six weeks before you plan to submit your thesis.
    If you wish to submit your thesis before the specified deadline, you can
    see how under ‘special circumstances’. However, the earliest you can submit your thesis is after the 14 days where you must make a new supervision plan and thesis statement.
  5. Attach your new supervision plan when you submit your thesis
    When you submit your thesis, you must also attach the new supervision plan as an appendix.
    If your supervision plan has not been uploaded via the Study Portal nor has it been attached when you submit, your thesis will not be assessed, and you have used an attempt to pass the exam.  

If you do not submit your thesis in your second attempt

If you fail to submit your thesis before the new submission deadline, this will count as another failed attempt to pass the exam. Your third and final attempt to pass the exam will start automatically according to the same rules that apply to your second attempt to pass the exam.

If your thesis does not pass

  1. You have used an attempt to pass the exam
    If you submit a thesis that fails, you have used an attempt to pass the exam. You have three attempts to pass the exam. After the assessment has been registered, it will appear in your study overview at You will receive an email with information about the start date and submission deadline for the new attempt.
  2. Your new attempt starts automatically
    Your next attempt will be registered to you automatically. Your new submission deadline is 14 days + three months after your assessment has been registered.
  3. Submit the new supervision plan via the link below
    You must submit a new supervision plan within 14 days of the original submission deadline. It must contain a modified thesis statement, which, however, must be within the same subject area as the original thesis. It is a condition for your Master's thesis to be assessed that you send in the plan before submitting the thesis itself. 
  4. Submit the form to appoint an external co-examiner
    You must submit the form used to appoint an external co-examinator no later than 6 weeks before you plan to submit your thesis.
  5. Attach your new supervision plan when you submit the thesis
    When you submit your thesis you must also attach the new supervision plan as an appendix.
    If your supervision plan has not been uploaded via the Study Portal nor has it been attached when you submit, your thesis will not be assessed, and you will use an attempt to pass the exam.

Special information about July

If your thesis is assessed with a non-pass grade between 1 July – 31 July, the period before your next examination attempt (if you have one or more attempts left) starts will be extended. The extension gives you the opportunity to prepare a new supervision plan in collaboration with your supervisor, who will typically be on holiday in July. Your new examination attempt will start on 15 August, which gives you 14 days from 1 – 14 August to prepare and submit the supervision plan. Your submission deadline will be three months later. After 1 August you will receive an information email about your new examination attempt on your master's thesis.

Special circumstances

If you wish to submit your thesis before the deadline

If you do not need the full thesis period, you are welcome to submit your thesis earlier. You must still submit the form "Acknowledgement of submission of the thesis" at least six weeks before you wish to submit your thesis. Please note that at your 2nd or 3rd examination attempt, you will not be able to submit your Master's thesis during the 14 days in which you must prepare and submit a revised supervision plan and thesis formulation.

Exemption from the submission deadline rule

If exceptional circumstances prevent you from working on your thesis (illness for instance), the board of studies may grant you exemption from the submission deadline rule.

It is important that you apply for exemption at the time an exceptional circumstances arise and before the deadline for the examination attempt, you are working on. The Board of Studies see each of the three exam attempts isolated, and can therefore only grant an exemption from the deadline for submission if exceptional circumstances have affected the specific examination attempt, you are working on.

To assess whether the exceptional circumstances have affected the specific attempt, you must apply for an exemption and attach a medical certificate confirming your illness.

Maternity/paternity leave and pregnancy

If you become a parent during your Master's thesis process, you have the opportunity to go on parental leave from your studies. You can read more about your options on the page on exemption and parental leave.

You cannot be in a Master's thesis group if you go on parental leave from your studies in the Master's thesis semester, because you will not have the same submission deadline as the other members of the Master's thesis group.

If you want to dissolve a Master's thesis group

If exceptional circumstances cause that you will not continue in your Master's thesis group, you must contact your supervisor and get a confirmation (by email) that you are breaking the group up.

You must also notify administrative officer/Master's thesis Coordinator:

  • Students at the School of Communication and Culture and the School of Culture and Society, please contact the Head of Department
  • Students at the Danish School of Education, please contact the Master's thesis Coordinator

And you must send an email to the Study centre Arts, where you attach the confirmation email from your supervisor.

Changing supervisor

You can only change your supervisor in exceptional circumstances, and you must submit an application to do this.

  • Students at the School of Communication and Culture and the School of Culture and Society, please contact the Head of Department
  • Students at the Danish School of Education, please contact the Master's thesis Coordinator

If your application is approved, you must send an email to Study Center Arts - with an approval email from the Head of Appartment/Master's thesis Coordinator attached - to Study Centre Arts

Your supervision plan will be adjusted. However, the original deadline for submission will remain unchanged.

If your supervisor becomes ill

If your supervisor becomes absent due to illness for a longer period of time, you have the opportunity to be assigned another supervisor.

  • If you are a student at the School of Communication and Culture or the School of Culture and Society please contact the head of department: Find your head of department
  • If you are a student at DPU, please contact the Master's thesis Coordinator (or your head of department)

Leave of absence during the thesis period

The general leave of absence rules apply during the thesis period, which means that students may apply for leave of absence with the result that the submission date is postponed by a period equivalent to the duration of the leave. During periods of leave, students cannot receive supervision or the government student grant.