Welcome to your new supplementary subject,
Your studies will commence in week 35 or 36, 2024, while lectures will start in week 36. During the summer of 2024 you may be able to find your programme for the first week on this page (below), as well as other important information relevant to you. Not all supplementary subjects have actual Introduction’s days. If you can’t find an introductory programme for your supplemantary subject in medio August on this page, please stay informed on Brightspace (Aarhus University’s Learning Management System).
We look forward to welcoming you!
We hope you are looking forward to starting your new degree programme at AU. In the welcome leaflet, your student advisors have written a little about what you can expect in your first semester, and, later, you will receive further information about your curriculum from your teachers via the e-learning platform Brightspace. It is your teachers who decide what course information and materials you will receive and when you will receive them. Much of the information about your courses will be made available during your introduction week, but in some cases, however, you will have to wait for your first lessons to receive the information.
If you would like to know what your first semester timetable looks like, you must log in to mystudies.au.dk. Please be aware that normally the timetables are only ready shortly before the start of the semester. This is because the study administration has to register and allocate places for all new students. So please don’t worry if your timetable is not ready the first time you log in. It will come.
You can also prepare for your new life as a university student by reading more on AU Studypedia which is an academic study tool that you can use throughout your degree programme. Here, you can find a lot of good advice and tools for being a university student, including good study routines, note-taking techniques and assignment formalities. AU Studypedia has devoted a whole section to new students. In this section, you can find exercises and good advice on how to get off to a good start as a university student.
At the office for Special Educational Support (SPS), you can get information and guidance, if you have any special needs for aid during your studies. Needs of support or aid may be due to:
Important: You are welcome to contact SPS even if you have not yet started your degree programme – also if you are not sure whether you qualify for aid or not.
To learn more about SPS visit their webpage: https://studerende.au.dk/en/csu/
Your local student counsellor can also tell you more. Find your student counsellor here.
As a new student at AU, you will come across many different IT platforms for different purposes. At first, it may feel a little overwhelming or difficult to find your way around all these sites, but please don’t worry - you will get the hang of it during your first year of studies. During your introduction week, your student advisors will introduce you to the relevant IT platforms. Here is an overview of the most important systems:
At AU, treating each other with decency and respect has high priority, and we have a zero tolerance policy towards any shape or form of harassment, bullying, violence, or discrimination. No one should have to experience such indecencies - nor during the introduction week.
If you encounter any kind of such behaviour, please see the different places you can find help and counselling through our Zero tolerance website.