Study portals

Bachelor's project for Bachelor of Engineering

On this page you can find information that is relevant in relation to your Bachelor's project. This page contains guidelines in relation to the process of writing the project and important attention points.

Before the project

Formation of the project group

A Bachelor’s Project group normally consists of 2 to 3 students. It is important that professional interest, level of ambitions and attitudes towards the project match within the group.

Determination of subject

The subject for the Bachelor’s Project is determined in accordance with the sections Learning Objectives.

 It is the responsibility of the student(s) to acquire and determine the subject for the project. Professors at the department may assist in this process.

Description of subject

A form with a description of the subject should be filled in and handed in to the process supervisor

The filled in form should be handed in to the Program Responsible within an appointed time. (Please refer to the time schedule).

In relation to the subject description, the type of project should be indicated.

 The following types of projects are applicable:

  • Design project
  • Laboratory project – investigation or test in laboratory
  • Theoretical project
  • Planning project – typically planning in relation to execution of a project

You must prepare a specification of the expenses

A specification of the costs is prepared no later than the start of The Bachelor's project.

This must include a plan of ressources which is a detailed overview prepared by the students with an estimate of the cost of acquiring equipment and materials and the use of the workshop.

Economy - which expenses can I get covered?

Expenses to a lesser extent in connection with the performance of the project may be covered by the study programme, if it can be reimbursed in relation to the project learning outcome.

Before financial support or workshop time can be granted for the individual Bachelor of Engineering projects, the head of studies and the laboratory manager of the workshop must have an overview of the expected total costs of the project.

When there is advance approval of the project finances, the documentation is collected for the costs, which may be:

Materials, equipment

Materials and experimental equipment, cf. advance approval.

What is not covered

Expenses for participation in meetings or courses will normally not be covered.

Collaboration with a company

Projects carried out in collaboration with companies are specifically agreed with the supervisor and the school.

During the project

Formulation of Assignment

As part of the preparation students attend courses, lessons and exercises in scientific research, methodology and documentation.

A formulation of the assignment, with specific description of content, should be carried out and approved. This may be included in or carried out in a separate course.   

For details of above mentioned activities please refer to program specific information.

 This formulation of assignment should comprise:

  • Objectives
  • Description of project basis and possible deviations from the same, with references
  • Description of main subject areas and sub areas
  • A specification of the sub-objectives (see ”Course Description”) that should be applied as a basis for evaluation
  • A time schedule for the group’s work, with specification of time of completion of parts that may be critical for a subsequent activity
  • Specification of group members’ contribution according to program specific requirements
  • Conditions, limitations
  • Methods to be applied
  • Description of envisaged project material such as a preliminary list of content and list of drawings and products.

It should be emphasized, that the formulation of assignment defines the complexity of the project, and that a fully met assignment does not guarantee a top mark.

Supervision, contract and evaluation

On the basis of the project/assignment description for the Bachelor of Engineering Project, the programme appoints a supervisor.

The supervisor's role

  • Day-to-day contact
  • Coordinates collaboration with, for example, companies
  • Can be involved in evaluating progression and specific academic issues
  • Motivator and consultant – and must therefore not solve the task 

How much supervision can I get?

In average grade, you can expect one hour of supervision per week.

Project contract

The project/Assignment description corresponds to a contract and must therefore be signed by each group member. Similarly, adjustments must be made in writing by the members of the group and the supervisor.

Midterm evaluation

In the middle of the project period, a midterm evaluation will be held between your group and your supervisor, where the work process and preliminary results are assessed. This will then be decided and formulated any adjustments.

The midtterm evaluation is documented by completing the conclusion form, which is sent to your degree programme director.

Time schedule

Project period



Handing in Description of Subject to process supervisor

End of April/mid May

End of October

Approval of subject by process supervisor


Mid-November/mid- December

Handing in the formulation of assignment to process supervisor

Before end of 6th semester (see course calendar approx. mid June/ mid-December)

Processing of possible draft for non-disclosure agreement with external partner/ contributor

As above

Mid-term discussion

Approx. middle of the credits allocated

Handing in Bachelor’s Project

See information given at start of project on Brightspace


Time schedule will be published at latest one week in advance of examination


Terms of agreement

Read about terms of agreement for Bachelor of Engineering students at the four engineering department's web sites: