The following requirements apply if you want to do a project-based internship. You can also find information about the requirements in your academic regulations.
Your external supervisor should make sure that you are given tasks and responsibilities which are professionally relevant and interesting for you. He or she should also follow and guide you in your work. Your agreement should state who is responsible for supervising you during your internship.
You are responsible for finding an internal supervisor from the Department of Economics. You may find inspiration in the list of thesis supervisors in the box to the right. If you are a student on the specialisation in Public Policy, you are also free to choose a supervisor from the Department of Political Science. All lecturers at the Department of Political Science may act as your supervisor, except from PhD students. For instance, you could choose a lecturer you know of from your lectures, Master’s seminars, supervision of other projects or similar. You are responsible for contacting the lecturer in question, asking if he/she would like to be your supervisor.
Before your project-based internship begins, we encourage you to talk to your internal supervisor about it and its academic relevance. During the actual internship, your internal supervisor may function as a sparring partner in matters relating to the academic project report and in case of other questions or issues that arise in connection with writing the report.
Your internal supervisor must approve the academic relevance and scientific level of your project-based internship by approving the internship agreement.
In the academic regulations for your degree programme and the course description for the project-based internship, you will find requirements for a number of ECTS credits corresponding to a number of hours working:
The workload requirements will ensure that you have time to work on your internship report during your project-based internship.