Grundlæggende Bioinformatik

Introduction to Bioinformatics/Grundlæggende bioinformatik


Homepage of the course




The large increase of DNA and protein sequences and protein structures make the analysis of these data to an important discipline. The course identifies and describes problems, methods and results in the analysis of protein- and DNA-sequences.


The course is focused on methods. We will discuss problems that arise when analysing biological sequences and structures. Focus is on the development of models in order to solve a problem. Basic algorithms will be described. The course takes a practical approach: there will be introduced a number of computational tools that can solve problems with high efficiency.

1. Introduction to the field. What kind of data is available and what are the main problems in their analysis.

2. Sequence alignment. Pair wise alignment. Multiple alignments. Statistical significance of sequence similarity. Substitution matrices for amino acids. Analysis of protein domains.

3. Structure prediction. Prediction of RNA secondary structure: energy minimization (base pair maximization) and covariant substitutions.

4. Database searches. Databases, Blast, Fasta heuristics.


1st quarter


Passed 1st year courses in Molecular Biology

Type of classes

21 lectures

21 computer exercises

Type of evaluation and aids

Project-thesis evaluated according to the 13 point scale with intern examiner

Educational materials

Textbook: BIOINFORMATICS – Sequence and Genome Analysis

Author: D. W. Mount

Publishing house: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press

ISBN No: 0-87969-608-7

Supplementary material


Responsible teacher

Name: Leif Schauser

Office address: Building 90, office 121

Phone no: +45 8942 3239


Other teachers

Christian Storm, Mikkel Schierup and Søren Thierup

Max participants

No limit


Material: English

Spoken language: Danish/English