Grundlæggende genomanalyse

Introduction  to Genome analysis / Grundlæggende genomanalyse

Homepage of the course



Sequencing and identifying genes in complex genomes is a difficult task. The course focuses on how the computer can solve this problem, and which helper data can be used. Furthermore, the course will deal with the global analysis of gene regulation and metabolic networks.


1. Gene finding: What biological signals can be used in the development of statistical models for gene structure prediction and how can the results be evaluated?

2. Microarray data analysis: datamining tools, clustering, reconstruction of regulatory pathways, inference of function of unknown genes

3. Genome projects: whole genome assembly, comparison of genomes, searches for regulatory sequences, reconstruction of metabolic pathways.

4. Experimental bioinformatics: protein interaction networks, Expressed Sequence Tags (EST) analysis

2nd quarter

Passed Introduction to bioinformatics

Type of classes
14 lectures
14 seminars
21 computer exercises

Type of evaluation and aids
Project-thesis evaluated according to the 13-point scale with intern examiner

Educational materials

Textbook: Bioinformatics – Sequence and Genome Analysis
Author: D. W. Mount
Publishing house: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press
ISBN No: 0-87969-608-7

Supplementary material
Original articles

Responsible teacher
Name: Leif Schauser

Office address: Bd 90. 121

Phone no: 8942 3239

Other teachers
Asger Hobolth

Max participants
No limit

Material: English
Spoken language: Danish/English