Herbivor-plant interactions

Herbivor-plant interactions

C-modul, Forår, 1 point, 5 ECTS.


This seminar class will consist of reading and discussing a series of papers and book chapters, where we look at the world from the point of view of a herbivore. This central position in the food chain has particular implications in terms of both population dynamics, and evolution.

We will start with Lawton's classic paper on herbivores: "Between the devil and the deep blue sea". We will then read much of the recent volume edited by H.Olff, V.K. Brown and R.H. Drent, Herbivores: between plants and predators (Blackwell Science, 1999), but also make use of several other sources to addresssome current issues in the following areas:

1. Theory of herbivore-plant dynamics: comparisons with predator-prey theory

2. Food chain dynamics: theory and empirical work

3. Plant-herbivore co-evolution

Teaching curriculum

2x2hrs for 6 weeks or 1x2hrs for 12 weeks.


Complete set will be announced later.

Starting date

Week 10


Sandra Walde

e-mail: dr@dfu.min.dk

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