Danish Graphene Aps

Danish Graphene ApS


Danish Graphene is a developer, manufacturer, and integrator of graphene materials focusing on offering solutions that strengthen the transition to a sustainable and green society. The company was founded in 2020 and is located in Vejle with in-house labs and production facilities. Danish Graphene is currently supplying graphene-enhanced solutions for space applications while developing several new products for various industries within composites, coatings, and battery materials.

Hvad kan den studerende lære af at deltage i et erhvervsprojekt sammen med jer?

Danish Graphene is taking the production of graphene nanomaterials to the industry by developing and scaling our unique sustainable graphene production equipment and integrating graphene materials effectively in industry applications such as coatings, composites, batteries, and adhesives. Whether the student is interested in the production of carbon nanomaterials, processing and scaling of unique technology, or the applications of graphene industry, Danish Graphene can offer interesting and challenging projects that will introduce students to opportunities in industry for a nanoscience student.