Timetable.au.dk is a digital display of timetables.
Here you only need to log in once (with your Microsoft login) to access:
You can sync the different schedules via iCal. Find instructions for getting your personal schedule synced via iCal here.
The iCal-function allows you to synchronize timetables with the calendar on a PC or mobile phone. When using iCal, updates to rooms or hours are automatically synchronized with your calendar. The iCal-function in MyTimetable can be used to synchronize other timetables than the personal one, e.g. specific rooms or modules.
You can...
If you have questions or need technical support for MyTimetable, please contact:
NAT/TECH: UndervisningEksamenDiplom@ase.au.dk
Health: health.studadm@au.dk
Arts: studiecenter.arts@au.dk
BSS: studieplan.bss@au.dk