Aarhus University (AU) is the data controller of the personal data that we process in connection with your enrolment and your further studies at the university.
This means that AU only processes personal data concerning you if this is required by legislation, or you have given your consent to this processing. AU has security measures that help to ensure that your personal data is processed in accordance with applicable legislation.
AU treats personal data as confidential.
Personal data will be processed and stored in the university’s various case handling systems. When data is no longer required for the purpose for which it was collected, it will be erased or archived in the designated filing systems.
Your data will not be disclosed to other parties without you being informed thereof, unless AU is obliged to disclose the data to other government agencies and public institutions.
As a student, you always have right of access to your personal data in AU's systems. Please contact Educational Law (ujs@au.dk) if you wish to apply for access to your personal data.
You are also able to see the information about you, which AU stores and processes, via our self service systems that you have access to.
SU (student grants and loans)
If you require access to your personal data concerning your SU (student grants and loans) situation, you must contact the data controller, which is the Danish Agency for Institutions and Educational Grants. This request must be made in writing via borger.dk.
If you as a student process personal data in connection with a project or Master’s thesis, it is important that you are familiar with the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Danish Data Protection Act, and that you consider a number of aspects in this respect.
Processing of personal data includes collection, registration, storage and disclosure, and may constitute a potential risk for the person which the data concerns. See this as if the person concerned has lent their data to you, subject to the condition that you do your utmost to take care of the data and do not do anything that might harm the person concerned.
We are currently awaiting guidelines from the Danish Data Protection Agency with regard to students’ processing of personal data in connection with projects and Master’s theses.