In week 43, you will receive the Danish Student Survey by Digital Post. And your responses matter. Your feedback will help the university improve the…
Do you have ideas for how to make your degree programme even better? Stand for election to your local board of studies and academic council and make…
If you are going abroad as a freemover, on an internship, or a language stay in spring semester 2024, you ca apply for the Arts Travel Grant.
On the first national Uniform at Work Day on 27 September, staff and students who are also Danish reservists or volunteers in the Home Guard,…
If you need to take an exam from a previous semester, you can register for re-examination for the winter exam 23/24 on your STADS self-service. See…
IT maintenance work will affect a number of AU’s IT systems and services and cause interruptions at different times during the weekend of 9 – 10…
You will receive your certificate within two months from the announcement of the result of your final exam (July is not included).
Study Center Arts is closed between 3 July and 28 July (weeks 27, 28 and 29). The studencounsellors are on holliday in the same period.
In the exam timetable, you can see the deadline for registration to re-examination. This also applies if you are taking a re-exam from a previous…
Due to an error in mystudies.au.dk, several members of administrative staff may have had unauthorised access to information about students. The error…
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