In the exam schedules you can find different codes for the form of the written exams. Beneath you can find a guide to each of the different exam types:
- WHAI: Take-home assignment with upload of the exam paper in WISEflow, possibly followed by an oral defence. (FLOWassign)
- WOAI: On-site written exam with upload of the exam paper in WISEflow, use of the internet allowed during the exam, own PC required. (FLOWassign)
- WOA: On-site written exam with upload of the exam paper in WISEflow, use of the internet NOT allowed during the exam, own PC required. (FLOWassign)
- WO: On-site written exam with upload of the exam paper in WISEflow, use of the internet NOT allowed during the exam, own PC required. The assignment is completed in FLOWlock - a closed browser which prevents you from accessing anything else on your PC. The lockdown browser must be installed before the exam. (FLOWlock)
- WO+:On-site written exam with upload of the exam paper in WISEflow, use of the internet NOT allowed during the exam, own PC required. The assignment is completed in FLOWlock - a closed browser that prevents you from accessing anything else than documents stored as PDF files locally on your own PC fx notes. The lockdown browser must be installed before the exam. Read more about FLOWlock and the use of notes (external ressources) during a FLOWlock-exam on this page: (FLOWlock)
- WOMC: Multiple-choice on-site written exam with upload of the exam paper in WISEflow, use of the internet NOT allowed during the exam, own PC required. The questions are answered in FLOWlock - a closed browser which prevents you from accessing anything else on your PC. The lockdown browser must be installed before the exam. (FLOWmulti)
- ON: On-site written exam without PC (on paper)
At on-site exams, you may also find one or more of the documents below on the table. Please note that the documents are dynamic, and will continuously be updated. If you choose to print or download the documents from this page, you must always make sure that you have the most recent versions.
At all digital on-site exams you must bring a laptop computer and use this as a writing instrument. You are not allowed to use any other electronic equipment which gives you access to the internet or allows you to communicate with others (e.g. mobil phones, iPads, tablets, smart watches) and you are not allowed to bring extra monitors to the exam.
In the course description in the course catalogue you can see which aids you are allowed to use at the exam. It is indicated as All, Specified or No aids in the course description.
- All aids: You may bring all ordinary aids, e.g. notes, dictionaries and textbooks etc.
- Specified aids: You may only bring the aids which are specifically listed in the course description in the course catalogue, and which are announced in the examination room.
- No aids: You are not allowed to bring any kind of aids to the exam.
At all digital on-site exams, there is internet access which you must use to download the exam assignment as well as to upload your finished exam paper. (This is why it’s important that you test whether you are able to connect your computer to the wireless network Eduroam well in advance of the exam).
You are allowed to use the internet to search for information if the exam type permits it. (At WOA, WOMC and WO exams, you are not allowed to use the internet during the exam.)
You must never communicate with anyone in or outside the exam room. This means that all communication and file sharing services (mobile phones, email, Messenger, Skype, Dropbox, etc.) must be shut down throughout the entire time you are in the exam room.