Before you choose which courses you wish to follow, it is important that you familiarise yourself with the rules for course composition in your academic regulations. The requirements for the course composition are listed under the study diagram.
When considering which elective courses you wish to attend, please pay attention to the principles used for the time tables to avoid overlapping courses. Find the course clusters in the Course registration section or check the Timetables for overlapping courses.
Make sure to pay attention to the courses here, if you are studying Public Policy.
As there are several elective course variants, you can choose between several options within your mobility window:
If you are enrolled in the master's degree programme in Economics without specialisation, you must make sure that at least three of your elective courses are core courses. The master's degree programme in Economics offers the following 13 core courses:
Courses in the Autumn semester
4105: Theories of the Firm
4325: Accounting for Decision and Control (Aflyst fra E23 og fremadrettet)
4394: Financial Econometrics
4407: Labour Economics
4425: Micro 2
4505: Macro 2
4518: Economics of the Welfare State (Kernefag for 2024-studieordningen)
4615: Microeconometrics
4616: Time Series Econometrics
5360: Financial Engineering
5362: Empirical Asset Pricing
Courses in the Spring semester
4118: Business Data Analysis
4427: Economics of Competition and Regulation (Kernefag for 2024-studieordningen)
4542: Monetary Economics
5361: Macro Finance
Please refer to the AU course catalogue for the full curriculum.
No courses in this Teaching Group for this Spring Semester
Course structure in Finance (latest update: April 2023)
4347: Derivatives (10 ECTS) (Joint lessons with Derivatives at cand.merc.)
5361: Macro Finance (10 ECTS) – Core Course (joint lessons with 6371 – students are not allowed to enroll to both courses)
6371: Advanced Macro Finance (10 ECTS) (joint lessons with 5361 – students are not allowed to enroll to both courses)
4427: Economics of Competition and Regulation (10 ECTS)
5415: (P) Micro and Macro Models of the Labor Market (10 ECTS) ) (joint lessons with 6425 – students are not allowed to enroll to both courses)
6425: Advanced Micro and Macro Models of the Labor Market (10 ECTS) (joint lessons with 5415 – students are not allowed to enroll to both courses)
5425: (P) Applied Public Policy (10 ECTS)
6450: Advanced Microeconomic Theory (10 ECTS)
6455: Decision Theory (5 ECTS) (first part of 6450: Advanced Microeconomic Theory – students are not allowed to enroll to both courses)
4542: Monetary Economics (10 ECTS) – Core Course
5527: The Economics of Pension and Demographics (10 ECTS)
4118: Business Data Analysis (10 ECTS) – Core Course
5620: (P) Economic Forecasting (P) (10 ECTS) (joint lessons with 6620 – students are not allowed to enroll to both courses)
6620: Advanced Economic Forecasting (10 ECTS) (joint lessons with 5620 – students are not allowed to enroll to both courses)
5646: (P) Applied Time Series Econometrics (10 ECTS) (joint lessons with 6646 – students are not allowed to enroll to both courses)
6646: Advanced Applied Time Series Econometrics (10 ECTS) (joint lessons with 5646 – students are not allowed to enroll to both courses)
6652: Advanced Econometrics (10 ECTS)
4805: Summer Topics in Economics (5 ECTS)
4810: Summer Topics in Economics (10 ECTS)
You register for August courses in May at the same time as registration for courses placed in the Autumn semester.
The exams take place according to the following schedule:
Regular exam: August
1st re-exam: February
2nd re-exam: subsequent summer term (June/August)
Registration must be done via self-service, however, for the 3rd offering, registration must be done via email to the study administration at You must use your AU email (student
Please refer to the AU course catalogue for the full curriculum.
Course structure in Finance (latest update: March 2024)
4345: Asset Pricing (10 ECTS) – joint lessons with cand.merc.
4346: Corporate Finance (10 ECTS) – joint lessons with cand.merc.
5360: Financial Engineering (10 ECTS) - Core Course
5362: Empirical Asset Pricing (10 ECTS) - Core Course
5363: (P) Empirical Asset Pricing (10 ECTS)
6361: Advanced Financial Engineering (10 ECTS)
4105: Theories of the Firm (10 ECTS) – Core Course
4407: Labour Economics (10 ECTS) – Core Course
4425: Micro 2 (10 ECTS) – Core Course
4428: Politics and Economics of the EU (10 ECTS)
5418: Health Economics (10 ECTS)
5419: Behavioral Economics and Finance (10 ECTS)
5440: (P) Environmental Economics (10 ECTS)
6440: Advanced Environmental Economics (10 ECTS)
4505: Macro 2 (10 ECTS) – Core Course
4518: The Economics of the Welfare State (10 ECTS) - Core Course from 2024
5522: International Economics (10 ECTS)
5524: Economic Growth and the Environment (10 ECTS)
4394: Financial Econometrics (10 ECTS) – Core Course
4615: Microeconometrics (10 ECTS) – Core Course
4616: Time Series Econometrics (10 ECTS) – Core Course
4645: Machine Learning Methods in Empirical Economics (10 ECTS)
5637: (P) Appl. Micro Econometrics (10 ECTS)
6637: Advanced Applied Microeconometrics (10 ECTS)
6954: Mathematical Analysis (10 ECTS)
The pre-approved courses will be a part of the mobility window in the Study Programme. For further information see your Academic Regulations.
Please note that time table overlaps may occur between oecon and courses offered by other Study Boards.
Registration is via the student self-service facility in the normal registration period.
Pre-approved courses – Spring 2024
Please find the course descriptions in the course catalogue.
Preapproved courses at Mathematics-Economics:
Fixed Income Analysis (10 ECTS) (level: 6xxx)
Advanced Convex Optimization (10 ECTS) (level: 6xxx)
Markov Decision Theory (10 ECTS) (level: 6xxx)
Metaheuristics for Combinatorial Optimization (10 ECTS) (level: 5xxx)
Preapproved merc.-courses:
Empirical Corporate Finance (10 ECTS) (level: 5xxx)
Corporate Valuation (10 ECTS) (level: 4xxx)
Financial Intermediation (10 ECTS) (level: 5xxx)
Risk Management (10 ECTS) (level: 4xxx)
Pre-approved courses – Autumn 2024
Please find the course descriptions in the course catalogue.
Preapproved courses at Mathematics-Economics:
Pricing and Hedging of Derivatives (10 ECTS) (level: 6xxx)
Graph Theory 2 (10 ECTS) (level: 5xxx)
Insurance Mathematics (10 ECTS) (level: 6xxx)
Preapproved courses at Statistics:
Monte Carlo Simulation (10 ECTS) (level: 6xxx)
Preapproved merc.-courses:
International Finance (10 ECTS) (level: 4xxx)
Real Estate Finance and Investments (5 ECTS) (level: 5xxx)
Generative AI with LLMs (5 ECTS) (level: 5xxx)
Accounting Theory (cand.merc.aud) (5 ECTS) (level: 5xxx)
Financial Accounting Regulation (cand.merc.aud) (10 ECTS) (level: 5xxx)