If the number of registrations for a course exceeds the number of available places on that course, the places will be allocated by drawing lots.
If you are not granted a place on one or more of your desired courses, you must register anew in the second registration period.
If you initially registered for three courses but are now only able to see two courses in your overview of registrations, you were not allocated a place on all your desired courses in the first round of registration. This means that you will be able to register for a third course in the second registration period.
If the number of registrations for a course exceeds the number of available places on that course, the places will be allocated by drawing lots.
If you are not granted a place on one or more of your desired courses, you must register anew in the second registration period.
If you initially registered for three courses but are now only able to see two courses in your overview of registrations, you were not allocated a place on all your desired courses in the first round of registration. This means that you will be able to register for a third course in the second registration period.
If you did not receive the number of courses you wished to register for, or if you forgot to register for courses in the normal registration period, you have the opportunity to register late for availbe courses.
The allocation of places will take place on a first-come, first-served basis, and it will be possible to register for a course as long as there are vacant places on the course. Once a course has been filled, it will no longer be possible to register for the course in question.
The list of available courses can be updated on a regular basis.
It is important that you check up on course clusters, time and exam overlap before you register.
Registration for courses in the spring semester after the normal deadline:
You can register for courses by sending an e-mail to kandidat.bss@au.dk prior to semester start. Please state your student number as well as the course(s) you wish to register. For courses in Political Science (relevant for Public Policy students), you can only register during the third round in January (January 13-16, 2025).
Registration for courses in the autumn semester after the normal deadline:
You can register for courses via the Student Self-service system at mystudies.au.dk in the period 14 to 18 August 2024.
For winter admisssion students:
Registration for courses in the spring semester:
You can register for courses by sending an e-mail to kandidat.bss@au.dk prior to semester start. Please state your student number as well as the course(s) you wish to register.
For summer admission students:
Registration for courses in the autumn semester:
If you have a Bachelor’s degree from at another university or if you took a break between your bachelor's and Master’s degree programme, or you have applied to change your study programme, you must register for courses at the first semestevia the Student Self-service system at mystudies.au.dk in the period 14 to 18 August 2024.
The allocation of places will take place on a first-come, first-served basis, and it will be possible to register for a course as long as there are vacant places on the course. Once a course has been filled, it will no longer be possible to register for the course in question.
The list of available courses can be updated on a regular basis.
It is important that you check up on course clusters, time and exam overlap before you register.
You can read more about the master's seminars in the course catalogue, and if you have any questions, please contact kandidat.bss@au.dk
Do you have any questions about your course registration?
Do you need assistance with your study planning?