The Basal Gang - Fagrådet for Cognitive Sciences og Cognitive Semiotics

The Basal gang is the students' council for the Cognitive Science BA and MSc programme and the Cognitive Semiotics MSc programme.

The Basal Gang(lia) is a group of subcortical nuclei (=members) responsible for the motor control of the various limbs (=organizations) in the Cognitive Science and Semiotics studies.

It also plays a role in:

  • Motor learning = collecting experience from organizations.
  • Executive functions = facilitating decision making processes and communication with other University bodies.
  • Emotional behaviors = facilitating a healthy study environment.
  • Reward and reinforcement = dividing and providing funds for organizations and events.
  • Addictive behaviours = making students want to join the monthly meetings.
  • Habit formation = creating cool traditions.

Every form of communication in the Basal Gang should be in English or at least with an English translation as we represent international studies.
