Registration for courses | the Faculty of Arts

Registration deadlines

  • 1-5 May: registration and withdrawal for the autumn semester

  • 1-5 November: registration and withdrawal for the spring semester

NB: The registration functions at STADS/Studieself-service are not adapted to smartphones. We recommend that you use a computer.

Compulsory courses

  • You will be registered automatically for compulsory courses and corresponding exams prior to the start of each semester.
  • You must check that you are registered correctly for courses and exams before the registration deadline. You can see your registrations in the Student self service system (STADS) via
  • If you want to change your registration for courses and exams, you must do it before the registration deadline in the Student self service system via
  • If you want to withdraw from a course you can do so within the registration period.

When you register for a course, you will be registered automatically for the corresponding ordinary exam as well.
If you are going to take a re-examination later you must register yourself

Elective courses

  • You must register/indicate your priorities in the Student Self-Service system (STADS) via during the registration period yourself. (You will not be registered automatically for elective courses and other elective elements such as internationalisation electives and profile courses).
  • After the registration deadline, your registration is binding. You will no longer be able to withdraw from or change your elective course.

When you register for a course, you will be registered automatically for the corresponding ordinary exam as well.
If you are going to take a re-examination later you must register yourself

Elective courses on the 1st semester - special registration deadlines

If the first semester of your Bachelor's or Master's degree programme includes elective courses, you must register for these/indicate your priorities in the Student Self-Service system (STADS) via

For students on the following Bachelor's degree programmes, the registration deadline is 10 to 15 August

  • History

For students on the following Master's degree programmes, the registration deadline is 5 to 10 August

  • Anthropology (General Anthropology)
  • English (Track A)
  • International Business Communication
  • Information Technology (Digital Design)
  • Information Technology (Information Studies)
  • Scandinavian Language and Literature
  • Study of Religion
  • Theology

For students on the following Master's supplementary subjects, the registration deadline is 5 to 10 August

  • English
  • History

When you register for a course, you will be registered automatically for the first attempt of the corresponding exam as well.
If you are going to re-examination you must register yourself

How can I see which elective subjects I can choose between?

The elective subjects offered (including the IV electives and profile courses) will be published in the course catalogue prior to the registration period before the following deadlines:

Students on the School of Communication and Culture and School of Culture and Society

  • Elective course in the autumn semester: 1 April
  • Elective courses in the Spring semester: 1 Oktober

Students at the Danish School of Education

  • Elective course in the autumn semester: 22 March
  • Elective courses in the Spring semester: 21 September

To see the current semester's range of elective courses, you can either find your academic regulations and the study programme diagram and then click on to the course catalogue (by clicking on the elective course in the study diagram). You can also use the search function in the course catalogue. In both cases, you must delimit your search so that you can see the courses for the relevant semester.

FAQ's about elective courses

What if I’m having difficulties registering for elective courses via the self-service system?

If you can’t log onto the self-service system, or if you can’t register your wishes for elective courses for any other reason, please contact the Study Centre Arts. If you do this before the end of the registration period, your wishes will be registered and processed in the same way as those of students applying via the self-service system.

It is important that your email to the study centre clearly states which elective courses you would like and lists your priorities.

How many elective courses should I prioritise?

It will be stated in the Student Self-service system how many elective courses you need to prioritise. If nothing is specified, you must prioritise all of the elective courses on the list. Because you can't be sure of getting a place on your first priority, it is important that you prioritise all the courses that the Student Self-service system allows.

How are the places on elective courses allocated?

We start by allocating as many first priorities as possible.

However, the number of places on elective courses is sometimes limited. If there are more applicants than vacancies, places are allocated randomly by drawing lots among all the students who have the elective course in question as their first priority.

Any vacancies remaining when all the first-priority students have been given a place will be given to students who have the course in question as their second priority if their first priority has not been granted. This is also done by drawing lots.

You cannot be certain of getting a place on your first priority, so it is important that you list all the priorities that the self-service system allows. If you do not state a second or third priority and are not granted your first priority, you will be given a place on a random elective course.

How do I find out which elective course I have been given?

After the registration period, all your wishes are processed and places will be allocated. Once this process has been completed, you can see that your registration status has changed from “being processed” (under behandling) to “place” (plads).

I have changed my mind. Can I get a place on another elective course?

You can change your wishes and priorities in the self-service system throughout the registration period. But you can’t change your wishes and priorities after the registration deadline. So it’s very important to ensure that your wishes and priorities have been registered correctly.

Once you have been given a place on an elective course, you cannot get a place on another course – even though you have not been given your first priority.

I forgot to apply during the registration period. What should I do?

Write to Study Centre Arts to find out which elective courses are available. Then you should write to the study centre which of the available courses you want and how you prioritise them.

What if have applied for advance approval to study abroad, but want to register for an elective course instead?

If the deadline for applying for advance approval has not been exceeded, you must apply to have your advance approval cancelled.

If the deadline for applying for advance approval has been exceeded, you must write to Study Centre Arts to find out which elective courses are available. Then you should write to the study centre which of the available courses you want and how you prioritise them.

I am enrolled temporarily on a Master’s degree programme – can I apply for elective courses?

If you are enrolled temporarily on a Master’s degree programme and are taking the first semester of this programme, you are entitled to apply for an elective course on the second semester. However, if there are more applicants than vacancies on the elective course of your choice, you will be put at the back of the queue for places.

I failed the exam in my elective course – can I choose a new one?

If you have been registered for an elective course previously but have not yet passed the exam, you cannot register for a new elective course. Instead, you need to take the re-examination in the elective course for which you were registered.

Project placements and field studies

If you are planning to do a field study or project placement, you must register in the Student Self-Service system (STADS). This applies even if you have not obtained a final agreement with a host organisation or signed a project placement agreement.

You must register during the registration period stated above.

After the deadline, your registration is binding.

If you have registered for a field study or project placement in the coming semester but fail to obtain an agreement, you can apply for registration for the alternative courses specified in your academic regulations for the semester in question after the normal deadline.

Please note that the number of courses offered may be limited as you can only register for courses with vacant places.

When you register for a course, you will be registered automatically for the corresponding ordinary exam as well.
If you are going to take a re-examination later you must register yourself

Advance approval for courses at another programme

If you have gotten an advance approval of a course/module outside of your degree programme it is considered to be a registration for teaching and exams. Consequently, you cannot apply for a course/module on your degree programme at the same time.

Registration for courses you have previously been deregistered from

If you have previously been withdrawn from a compulsory course and need to register for teaching and ordinary exams again, you cannot register via STADS.

To be registered, you must write to Study Centre Arts within the registration deadlines, which you will find at the top of the page.

Re-registering for courses

If you still need to pass a course for which you have been registered and have used one or more exam attempts, you can request to be re-registered for the course and the ordinary exam.

Please note that you must live up to the requirements imposed on the other students in the class. If the form of examination is class participation/lecture participation, you must participate actively in the course. You must fulfil any prerequisites described in the academic regulations which you have not previously fulfilled.

What you need to do:

In order to be re-registered for a course, there must be a vacant place in the class. Students who have not previously been registered for the course are given precedence with regard to any available places, and therefore your request will not be processed until just before the semester begins, when other students have been registered.

If you wish to be re-registered, please contact Study Centre Arts by the following deadlines:

  • Courses in the spring semester: 15 January - Friday before the semester begins
  • Courses in the autumn semester: 15 August - Friday before the semester begins

Professional master's students

If you are a professional master's student please find information on registering for courses here:

  • Information for professional master's students

Problems with registration?

If you have any problems with registering or withdrawing from your studies, please contact the Study Centre Arts by the deadline. Save your receipt as documentation that you have contacted in due time.

In the event of problems with login and technical problems: