Femtosecond studies of atoms, molecules, liquids, and solids (1p)

Femtosecond studies of atoms, molecules, liquids, and solids (1p)


We are offering a "cross-disciplinary (physics and chemistry)" C-course in the field of femtosecond laser physics and chemistry. The topics in the course include:

Fundamental aspects of ultrashort laser pulses

Formation and measurement of femtosecond laser pulses

Interaction between matter and light in the time domain

Examples of ultrafast processes

- Gas phase

- Liquids

- Surfaces and solids

Formation and use of ultrashort pulses with extreme wavelength

- Terahertz femtosecond pulses

- Femtosecond X-rays (high-harmonic generation, plasma generation)


An almost completed first part of Fys-Kem, Mat-Fys, Kem-Mat, or Fys-Dat.

Some basic knowledge of lasers - for instance corresponding to "A9 Laserkemi" or "Bf.5 Moderne optik og laserfysik."


To be decided.

Kursets form og omfang

Two hours of lectures and two hours of problem solving per week in F00. The evaluation is a pass/fail on the basis of participation in the class. In addition, each participant will give a short (20-30 min) oral presentation at the end of the course.




Peter Balling, Søren Keiding og Henrik Stapelfeldt