Events including meals

Student-organised activities play an important role in creating a good study environment. Aarhus University supports these events by making rooms available and providing operational advice and support.   

Events including meals

Events including meals can be held any day of the week until 22:00. These events are alcohol free. If your event includes alcohol, please find more information here.

Meals cover organised refreshments/dinners. Therefore, events where the participants bring their own packed lunch and/or snacks are considered to be an event including meals.

Where can I hold my event?

  • Events including meals may not be held in classrooms. Such events can be held in:

         Aarhus: The cafeteria in building 1482, study areas or the lunchrooms located at the schools.

         Emdrup: Building 7220, room D170, Baren or the Main Hall.

  • List of study areas (please note that between 8:00 and 16:00, study areas are used as reading rooms and can therefore only be booked for other activities after 16:00).

How do I book a room?

  • If you wish to hold an event in a study area or a cafeteria, you must contact Arts Building Services at
  • To hold an event that includes meals (packed lunches and snacks excluded), you need an agreement for borrowing rooms. Such agreements must be approved and signed by Arts Building Services and your local host department representative.

Important information for event organisers

  • Any changes in access to specific doors must be arranged with your local Building Operations and Maintenance Office.
  • The event organiser is responsible for obtaining the necessary licences from the authorities (for instance a licence to handle food or a licence for noise control at outdoor events). The event organiser must also pay any expenses connected with planning and carrying out the event (for instance the Danish KODA fee). 
  • The room must be tidied and cleaned and waste must be disposed of immediately after the party. The room and surrounding common areas, toilets and outdoor areas must be ready for normal use Saturday morning at 8.00.
  • Event organisers must report to Arts Building Services via email ( if any unusual events occur (for instance personal injuries/accidents, the need for an ambulance, damage to buildings or equipment, visits by the authorities or the need to summon the authorities). Reports must be submitted immediately after the end of the event.

Can I get help with practical preparations?

  • As a general rule, the organisers must set up the tables and chairs they need themselves. Please contact your local Building Operations and Maintenance Office if you need any help. The event organisers must ensure that emergency exits are never blocked. Please note the instructions for the standard layout of rooms when replacing furniture.
  • If you need any IT/AV equipment, please contact Arts IT.