You can see the Exam Plan here
Latest update: 09-01-2025
Please note the following:
- It’s a good idea to keep an eye on the exam plan, because changes may be made right up until the exams start.
- All written assignments and synopses are normally submitted by 14:00, unless other times are stated in WISEflow.
- The plans for oral exams (order, time and rooms) will be published in WISEflow.
If you have any questions about the exam plan, please feel free to contact the Study Centre Arts.
You can see the exam plan here
Lates update: 29.02.2024
Please note the following:
- It’s a good idea to keep an eye on the exam plan, because changes may be made right up until the exams start.
- All written assignments and synopses are normally submitted by 14:00, unless other times are stated in WISEflow.
- The plans for oral exams (order, time and rooms) will be published in WISEflow.
If you have any questions about the exam plan, please feel free to contact the Study Centre Arts.