Illness during exams

If you fall ill in connection with an exam, we recommend that you contact your doctor to get a certificate documenting that you are ill during the exam period.

This allows you to report sick for the exam. You can do this by applying for dispensation to have your exam registration cancelled, so that it will not count as an exam attempt.

If this is your first exam attempt, you can also apply to be registered for the re-examination (in the same or a later semester) without having used an exam attempt in the ordinary exam.

Here you can read about how and when you should report sick, depending on your exam type.

Take-home assignment on a topic of the student’s choice

If you are prevented from submitting a take-home assignment due to illness, you can apply for a cancellation of your exam registration.

You should contact your doctor to get a certificate documenting that your illness prevents you from submitting the assignment by the deadline.

  • Use the form “Dispensation” on
  • Remember to specify which exam registration you wish to cancel, and possibly whether you wish to take the re-examination in the same or a later semester
  • Attach your doctor’s certificate

Set take-home assignment

If you fall ill in connection with an exam in the form of a set take-home assignment, you can apply for a cancellation of your exam registration.

You should contact your doctor immediately to get a certificate documenting that your illness prevents you from taking the exam.

  • Submit your application as soon as possible via the form “Dispensation” on
  • Remember to specify which exam registration you wish to cancel, and possibly whether you wish to take the re-examination in the same or a later semester
  • Attach your doctor’s certificate

Oral exam

If you fall ill in connection with an oral exam and are unable to participate in the exam, you can apply for a cancellation of your exam registration.

You should contact your doctor immediately to get a certificate documenting that your illness prevents you from taking the exam.

  • Submit your application as soon as possible via the form “Dispensation” on
  • Remember to specify which exam registration you wish to cancel, and possibly whether you wish to take the re-examination in the same or a later semester
  • Attach your doctor’s certificate
  • You can inform your examiner that you are unable to participate in the exam, or you can send an email til Studiecentre Arts.

Oral exam based on a synopsis

If you fall ill in connection with an oral exam based on a synopsis and are unable to take the exam, you can apply for a cancellation of your exam registration.

You should contact your doctor immediately to get a certificate documenting that your illness prevents you from taking the exam.

  • Submit your application as soon as possible via the form “Dispensation” on
  • Remember to specify which exam registration you wish to cancel, and possibly whether you wish to take the re-examination in the same or a later semester
  • Attach your doctor’s certificate
  • You can inform your examiner that you are unable to participate in the exam, or you can send an email til Studiecentre Arts.

Active course participation as an exam form

If you fall ill during the semester and are unable to meet the requirement for active course participation, you can apply for dispensation to have your exam registration cancelled.

You should contact your doctor immediately to get a certificate documenting that your illness prevents you from meeting the requirement for active course participation. 

  • Submit your application as soon as possible via the form “Dispensation” on
  • Remember to specify which exam registration you wish to cancel, and possibly whether you wish to take the re-examination in the same or a later semester
  • Attach your doctor’s certificate

If you are ill for an extended period of time, you can read more here.

Master’s theses

If you fall ill while writing your Master’s thesis and are unable to submit the thesis by the deadline, you can apply for dispensation to have your submission deadline postponed. 

You must apply before the submission deadline for the exam attempt during which you have been ill.

You should contact your doctor immediately to get a certificate documenting that your illness prevents you from working on your Master’s thesis.  

  • Use the form “Dispensation” on
  • Remember to indicate the period during which you have been ill
  • Attach your doctor’s certificate

Read more about applying for an exemption from the submission deadline


Should I take the exam even if I am ill?

If you are so ill, either before or in connection with an exam, that it affects your academic performance, we recommend that you apply for dispensation to have your exam registration cancelled instead of taking the exam.

If you take an exam (or submit an assignment for assessment) without passing during a period in which you are ill, your doctor’s certificate will generally be given less weight if you later apply for an additional exam attempt due to illness. This is because the board of studies will place emphasis on the fact that you have chosen to take the exam despite being ill.

In practice, this means that it is more difficult to be granted an additional exam attempt if you have taken the exam without passing, despite the fact that you can subsequently document that your academic performance in connection with the exam was affected by illness.

What are my options if I fail to report sick or apply for a cancellation of my exam registration?

If you fail to apply for an exemption to be deregistered from the exam before the exam deadline, it is possible to apply for an exam.

If you have used all three examination attempt, you can also apply for an exemption to be awarded an extra examination attempt.

Can I report sick even if I do not yet have a doctor’s certificate?

If you are unable to obtain a doctor’s certificate by the deadline for cancelling the exam registration, we recommend that you submit your application for dispensation first and then submit your doctor’s certificate later.

However, it is important that you have been in contact with your doctor while being ill.

You can also wait to apply for dispensation until you need an additional exam attempt. In this case, you just must make sure that your doctor will later be able to document that you were ill in connection with the exam in which you did not participate due to illness.

When can I take the re-examination?

You can see when the re-examination will be offered and when you need to register here.