Marks and marking scale

Your exam results (marks) will be published at your Self-Service site.

The assessment of all exam assignments must be completed within four weeks after the exam. The assessment deadline will appear on your exam schedule.

The university must announce the assessment of your Master's thesis no later than four weeks after your thesis has been submitted. For theses handed in in July the university will have 6 weeks to announce the assessment.


Your academic regulations state whether your exams will be given a grade or given the assessment pass/fail.

Grades are awarded according to the 7-point grading scale:

12: For an excellent performance
10: For a very good performance
7: For a good performance
4: For a fair performance
02: For a minimally adequate performance
00: For an inadequate performance
-3: For an unacceptable performance


Average grades

You have the opportunity to have your weighted average grade point calculated and formally verified.

Your weighted average grade point is an expression of your average grade point calculated in relation to the ECTS weighting of the grade points for bachelor’s and master’s degree level respectively. The average grade point is typically used if you want to apply for admission at a university abroad. Please note that your average grade is not calculated in relation to the grades of your fellow students, and that the calculation of the average mark is not offered until the programme's last exam has been passed.

Write to the Study Centre Arts if you need a verified average grade point. The processing time may be up to eight weeks, so please write us in good time before you need the document.


For exams which are given the assessment pass/fail, the list of results in the student self-service system will show pass or failed.

The use of co-examiners

No co-examiner
Used primarily when the exam involves active participation in the teaching.

Internal co-examiner / internal assessment
Assessment is done by the examiner and sometimes by another AU teacher as well.

External co-examiner
Assessment is done by the examiner and a co-examiner who is not a member of staff at AU.

Administrative registration

On some occasions, there are no exam papers or performances to assess. In these cases, the results are
registered as:

  • BF = Used attempt (brugt forsøg)
  • DF = Failed prerequisites (dumpet forudsætnngskrav)
  • U = Absent (udeblevet)
  • FE = Abandoned exam (forladt eksamen)

Transcript of exam records and exam certificates

Transcript of exam records

You will not automatically receive a transcript of your results, but you can print a transcript from the student self-service system at

Exam certificates

When you have passed a Bachelor’s, Master’s or professional Master’s degree programme, the university will issue an exam certificate. You can read more about this here:

If you use e-Boks, your certificate will be issued to your e-Boks.