Orientation Week Cognitive Science BA 2024

Welcome to Cognitive Science

Here you will find all you need to know about your orientation week

Dear new student at ARTS, Aarhus University.

The introduction week for new students will begin on monday the 26th of august in week 35, 2024. The first week will be introductory to both academic, practical and social elements that are important to your future as a student at ARTS, Aarhus University. In the summer of 2024 the programme for the introduction week and other relevant information will appear on this page.

Welcome to Cognitive Science!

Dear new students,

Welcome to your new degree programme! On this page, you will find the most important information about starting your studies. Your introduction week will take place in week 35, but, in many ways, the whole of your first academic year will be a transition to being a university student.

Your introduction week is organised by your student advisers, who are older fellow students on your degree programme. On the right-hand side of this page, you will find your student advisors’ contact information. You are always welcome to contact them if you have any questions about your introduction week. 

The programme for your introduction week can be found in the welcome leaflet on this page. Your student advisors have also included a lot of other practical information for you in this leaflet, so it's important to read it through.

On this page, you will also find a lot of other relevant information, including information about the IT systems and the commencement of studies exam. If you have any questions, please ask your student advisors or write to studiestart.arts@au.dk.

We look forward to seeing you at the Faculty of Arts, Aarhus University.

Commencement of studies exam

On all Bachelor’s degree programmes at the Faculty of Arts, a commencement of studies exam is held before the end of September in the first semester of the programme.

On the Cognitive Science programme the exam is linked with the course called Cognition and Communication. The exam times and other regulations such as the exam description and form of examination as well as the date for the first and second attempts will be announced in the course plan on Brightspace.

It is important that you are well informed about the commencement of studies exam. During the introduction week your student counsellor can tell you more about the commencement of studies exam on your degree programme.

Teaching, timetables and study techniques

Teaching and curriculum
You're probably excited to get started with your new study program. In the welcome booklet, your lecturers have written briefly about your first semester, and on the e-learning platform Brightspace you soon will receive more information about the curriculum lists from your lecturers. You will hear more about this during the introduction week and at the start of the semester.

If you want to know what your schedule for the upcoming semester looks like, you can log in to mitstudie.au.dk. However, please note that the schedule is often not available on mitstudie.au.dk until shortly before the start of the semester.

Help with study techniques
For many, studying at university can be different from what they are used to from, for example, high school. The University has therefore developed a number of initiatives to help you get started as a university student. On AU Studypedia, for example, you can find lots of good advice on study habits, assignment formalities, study groups, etc

Zero tolerance

At AU, we place a high priority on treating each other with decency and respect, and we have zero tolerance for any form of harassment, bullying, violence or discrimination. No one should have to experience this - not during the welcome week neither. 

If you experience any kind of this behaviour, please be aware of the different places where you can find help and counselling. Learn more at our Zero tolerance webpage. 

Har du særlige behov for hjælp eller støtte?

Hos Specialpædagogisk Støtte (SPS) på Aarhus Universitet kan du få information og vejledning, hvis du har særlige behov for støtte.

Det kan være på grund af:

  • Læse-, skrive eller regnevanskeligheder
  • En psykisk lidelse
  • En neurologisk lidelse
  • Et bevægelseshandicap
  • Et hørehandicap
  • Et synshandicap

Vigtigt: Du må gerne kontakte SPS allerede inden studiestart – også hvis du er i tvivl om, hvorvidt du kan få støtte.

Læs mere her: https://studerende.au.dk/sps/

Du kan også kontakte din lokale studievejleder, hvis du har spørgsmål om at være studerende med særlige behov. Find din studievejleder her.

IT-systemer og vigtige links

Som ny studerende på AU kommer du til at møde en masse forskellige IT-platforme til forskellige formål. I starten synes du måske, at det er svært at finde rundt i. Det er helt ok, og du skal nok få styr på systemerne i løbet af din første tid på uddannelsen. I løbet af velkomstugen holder dine tutorer også en IT-introduktion for jer. Nedenfor finder du et overblik over de vigtigste systemer:

  • mitstudie.au.dk er den samlede indgang til undervisning, studieinformation og selvbetjeningssystemer. Her finder du ugeskema, AU-mail, vigtige beskeder, links til sites og systemer, hvor du fx kan finde din indskrivningsbekræftelse og meget mere. Det er faktisk kun nødvendigt at logge ind på mitstudie.au.dk, for herfra kan du komme videre til alt det, du har brug for som studerende. 
  • Brightspace er en e-læringsplatform, hvor dine undervisere uploader materialer og andet relevant information til din undervisning.   
  • EduroamDet trådløse netværk på AU hedder Eduroam. Før du kan bruge det, skal du installere det på dine enheder.
  • Vær opmærksom på, at du som studerende på AU kan få en del gratis software eller software med rabat. Læs mere på siden her: https://studerende.au.dk/it-support/software/
  • IT-sikkerhed. Når du bruger universitetets IT-systemer eller arbejder med analoge informationer, skal du være opmærksom på informationssikkerheden, så du undgår at miste dine egne eller andres oplysninger eller lække fortrolige informationer. Informationssikkerhed handler i høj grad om din adfærd, når du arbejder med informationer. Se hvad du skal være særligt opmærksom på.  
  • IT-support. Hvis du har tekniske problemer, kan du få hjælp hos Arts IT Support. Der kan godt være lidt travlt i supporten i de første uger af semesteret, så vær tålmodig :)

Vi siger fra

På Aarhus Universitet lægger vi stor vægt på, at vi behandler hinanden med respekt og ordentlighed, og vi siger fra over for chikane, mobning, vold og diskrimination i alle former. Ingen bør udsættes for dette, og denne type adfærd tolereres naturligvis heller ikke under studievelkomsten. Dette er formuleret i Arts' regler for studievelkomsten, som bl.a. også indeholder den alkoholpolitik, som gælder i velkomstugen. 

Hvis du oplever, at nogen opfører sig uacceptabelt over for dig, er der forskellige steder, du kan søge hjælp. Det kan du læse mere om på AU-hjemmesiden om chikane