Personalised medicine

The field of Personalised Medicine aims to improve diagnosis and tailor treatments to the individual patient’s biological and clinical profile. In a translational framework - from bench to bedside and vice versa - we study huge data sets in clinical and population-based cohorts, as well as individual patient data, and cell and animal models.  The research at Personalised Medicine covers wide-ranging disease areas, ranging from complex psychiatric disorders to monogenic diseases, from cancer to stem cell biology.

Mechanisms of muscle stem cell function


The de Morree lab studies the mechanisms that enable mesenchymal and muscle stem cells to regenerate tissues, and how their dysfunction contributes to aging and disease. Our goal is to develop stem cell therapies to improve tissue repair in aging and disease.


Regenerative Medicine

Stem Cell Biology

Monogenic Diseases

Experimental Animal Models

Projects in the role and function of exotic RNAs (circular RNAs, lncRNAs, miRNAs etc.) in cancer


The Laboratory for Gene-Regulatory Mechanisms in Cancer was recently established at the Department of Biomedicine at Aarhus University, with the aim to explore the interplay between genetics, epigenetics, and non-coding RNAs in the development and progression of cancer. Recently, we have started to explore the functional role and clinical potential of a newly described type of non-coding RNA, the circular RNAs, in brain tumors, colon cancer, hematological malignancies, and inflammatory skin diseases. Read more about our group and the research we do on our webpage:



Gene-Regulatory Mechanisms

Genetics and epigenetics

Spatial transcriptomics

Non-coding RNAs and Circular RNAs

Ocular Gene Therapy


Our research is focused on retinal gene therapy and the understanding of molecular mechanism underlying disease development in the retina. 

We aim to improve therapy for age-related macular degeneration (AMD) patients in the future. AMD is currently the leading cause of vision loss in the elderly population, and current therapies targeting angiogenesis require repeated injections and have limited efficacy. We therefore aim at developing next-generation drugs for AMD using gene therapy and viral vectors. Our idea is to develop combination therapy and target several pathways leading to AMD, chasing long-lasting cures rather than short-term disease alleviation. In our studies we use animal models and human retinal tissue in a close collaboration with the AMD clinic at Aarhus University Hospital.

Another aim is to understand the role of Sortilin in the development of diabetic retinopathy (DR). Sortilin act as a surface receptor and is expressed in a number of retinal cells. However, its role in the retina is incompletely understood. Using RNA-seq data and models based on primary cells, we will investigate the potential role of sortilin in the healthy and diseased retina.


Gene therapy

retinal diseases

viral vectors